Our Mission

The Onward Tide Mission

Watching my masculinity fade and my purpose as a man dissolve I knew I needed to find my way again. I knew that there were other men who felt this way and I wanted to help. My body was unhealthy. My mind was broken. My life was crumbling before my eyes and I knew I needed to do something. I knew I needed to restore purpose in my life and I knew that would all begin with my health. With that, Onward Tide was created. 

Onward Tide focuses on natural supplements that serve a purpose in all aspects of a man's life. From testosterone to mental focus and clarity, our products provide the support to boost these areas of our health. Our lives are like the ocean. We're constantly on the move, constantly being faced with storms and waves of both good and bad. That is why we as men need to rebuild our health and overall well being in order to be prepared for what life throws at us. 


- Tim Borthwick, Founder and CEO